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Introduction to Computing with Java

CS 110: Introduction to Computing with Java

Lab 3


Write your answers for the following exercises before coming to lab.   First, you should try to figure out the answer without entering and running the code.  Then, you can use Dr Java to enter and run the code to check your answers.

Software Development in Java



COMP5214 Software Development in Java               Assignment             Semester2, 2014  

 Electronic Inventory Records Management (EIRM)  

Classes, Libraries and Algorithms



Classes, Libraries and Algorithms 

Work submitted late without documented approval of the Unit Chair or Lecturer will be 

penalised.  Assignments that are submitted after the submission date will be subject to a mark 

social media like messaging

ECE 263/264

Semester Project


Create the followingstructure:

ECE 263/ECE 264

Warm-up Exercise 1:

Create the followingstructure:

Engineering Department

WASIM AKBER  Engineering Department  ENGR 334 

ENGR 334  



ENGR 334 

Programmable Systems WASIM AKBER  Engineering Department  2 

ENGR 334 

Implement the Graph ADT

Implement the Graph ADT in C# using the Graph class stub supplied on Desire2Learn. Make sure that each of your class methods is functional! You may add members to the Graph class, but do not add class variables which are for local use only, and do not change the names or signatures of the methods given in the stub; and do not add to the public interface. Make sure that your name appears in a comment at the top of each source file. Test your Graph class using Test Plan #2. Submit your source code and your test results in separate files, after first compressing them into a single file using the built-in Windows file compression utility.

RootedBinaryTree and Compressor

In a namespace called Lab5, write C# classes called RootedBinaryTree and Compressor using the supplied code stub.

The huffman method should accept an array of Word objects with the plainWord and probability fields filled in, and return the same array with the codeWord fields also filled in according to Huffman's Algorithm. In implementing Huffman's Algorithm, make use of the RootedBinaryTree class. Note that RootedBinaryTree should perform shallow copying to reduce the time- and space-complexity of tree operations.

Write a class called "Person"

Write a class called "Person" that contains several fields, including "lastName", "SSN", and "birthDate" fields; note that SSN should not be a numeric field, since we do not perform arithmetic with SSNs. The Person class should implement the IKeyed interface (see code below). Then write a class called "HashTable" providing the functionality of a hash table. Use the following stub to get started:

Write a class called "Person"

Write a class called "Person" that contains several fields, including "lastName", "SSN", and "birthDate" fields; note that SSN should not be a numeric field, since we do not perform arithmetic with SSNs. The Person class should implement the IKeyed interface (see code below). Then write a class called "HashTable" providing the functionality of a hash table. Use the following stub to get started:

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