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Data Structures and Algorithms

COMP 2140

Department of Computer Science

University of Manitoba

Assignment 4: Trees due Wednesday November 19 by 12:00 pm (noon)


This assignment deals with binary trees. An instance of the class BinaryTree is a binary

tree composed of nodes that are instances of the class BinTreeNode.

Deliverables and Hand-In Instructions

Log in to Desire2Learn and select COMP2140 > Assessments > Dropbox > Assignment 4.

Your solution must be submitted electronically using Desire2Learn. Solutions submitted by

email will not be accepted. Submit one le named A4<your last name><your student

number>.zip that contains the le BinaryTree.java with your code inserted and your

written answers to Questions 3, 5, and 7 in the comments preceding the methods graphAux,

methodA, and methodB, respectively. Please do NOT include anything else in the .zip le.

Marks may be deducted or a grade of zero given if these instructions are not followed.

In addition to the le BinaryTree.java, you will require the les Stack.java, Queue.java,

DNode.java, and EmptyStackQueueException.java. An additional class Example.java is

provided. You will modify and submit BinaryTree.java. You can also modify the le

Example.java to test your code, but you should not need to modify any of the other les.

These les are available on Desire2Learn in a .zip le. Students can choose whether or not

to use generic types in this assignment. Two versions of the les are provided, with and

without generic types, in A4generics.zip and A4noGenerics.zip, respectively; use only

one of the two. No additional marks will be awarded for using generic types.

Programming Standards

When writing code for this course, follow the programming standards available on this

course's website on Desire2Learn. Failure to do so will result in the loss of marks.

Honesty Declaration

Your assignment (and any other work in this course) will not be graded unless you have

submitted a blanket honesty declaration. You can verify whether you have submitted an

honesty declaration under \grades" on Desire2Learn.


1. Add code to implement the method isBST in the class BinaryTree such that it returns

true if and only if the keys in the tree are in binary search tree ordering.

Fall 2014, Assignment 4 page 1Data Structures and Algorithms

COMP 2140

Department of Computer Science

University of Manitoba

Hint: Write a recursive helper method that performs an in-order traversal and, upon

visiting each node, inserts that node's key into a queue. After completing the traversal,

verify the order of keys in the queue.

Generic types: If you are using generic types in your code (using generic types is

optional) you will need to use the compareTo method to compare keys. For example,

if a and b are instances of BinTreeNode, and each tree node's generic type <E> is an

Integer (as <E> is used in the class Example), then

a.getElem().compareTo(b.getElem()) == 0 when a's key is equal to b's key

a.getElem().compareTo(b.getElem()) < 0 when a's key is less than to b's key

a.getElem().compareTo(b.getElem()) > 0 when a's key is greater than to b's key

This requires that the generic type E implement the interface Comparable (as does the

class Integer).

2. Add code to implement the method isLeaf in the class BinTreeNode such that it

returns true if and only if the node is a leaf of the tree.

3. Identify the type of tree traversal implemented by the method graphAux called by the

method graph. Add your written answer to the comments before the body of method

methodA in the le binaryTree.java.

4. Add code to the method methodA in the class BinaryTree that does the following:

(a) Declare and instantiate a new (empty) stack whose elements will be instances of

the class BinTreeNode.

(b) Push the root of the binary tree onto the stack.

(c) Write a while loop that terminates once the stack is empty.

(d) Each iteration of the loop should do the following:

 Pop the stack.

 If the popped item is not null, then print the element, push its left child, and

push its right child onto the stack.

This method should be an accessor method. That is, none of the instance variables

should be modi ed.

5. Describe the outcome of a call to methodA on a binary tree. Add your written answer

to the comments before the body of method methodA in the le binaryTree.java.

6. Add code to the method methodB in the class BinaryTree that does the following:

(a) Declare and instantiate a new (empty) queue whose elements will be instances of

the class BinTreeNode.

(b) Enqueue the root of the binary tree to the queue.

(c) Write a while loop that terminates once the queue is empty.

Fall 2014, Assignment 4 page 2Data Structures and Algorithms

COMP 2140

Department of Computer Science

University of Manitoba

(d) Each iteration of the loop should do the following:

 Dequeue an item from the queue.

 If the dequeued item is not null, then print the element, enqueue its left child,

and enqueue its right child to the queue.

This method should be an accessor method. That is, none of the instance variables

should be modi ed.

7. Describe the outcome of a call to methodB on a binary tree. Add your written answer

to the comments before the body of method methodA in the le binaryTree.java.

8. Augment the class BinaryTree with an additional private data member int size that

maintains the number of nodes in the tree. This will require changes to the constructors

as well as to the method insert. Add a public accessor method getSize to return

the value of size.

9. Implement the body of method numLeaves such that it returns the number of leaves

in the tree. If the tree is empty, then numLeaves should return 0. If the tree contains

a single node, then numLeaves should return 1. You may use a helper method.

10. Implement the body of method numInternal such that it returns the number of in-

ternal nodes in the tree. If the tree is empty or the tree contains a single node, then

numInternal should return 0. Hint: You can minimize the amount of new code re-

quired by using your solutions to Questions 8 and 9.

11. Augment the class BinTreeNode with an additional private data member int subtreeSize

that maintains the number of nodes in the subtree rooted at that node (including it-

self). Thus, a leaf node should store the value 1. Modify the accessor and modi er

methods getSubtreeSize and setSubtreeSize in the class BinTreeNode to get and

set the value of subtreeSize. The method getSubtreeSize should simply return the

value of subtreeSize (i.e., you can remove the code that is currently in that method).

The method setSubtreeSize should take a single integer parameter to which the new

value is set.

12. Write the body of method computeSubtreeSize in the class BinaryTree that re-

cursively counts the number of nodes in the subtree rooted at node and updates the

corresponding instance variable subtreeSize described in Question 11. The computed

value should be returned.

13. Write the body of method isBalanced in the class BinaryTree such that it returns

true if the sizes of the left and right subtrees of every node di er at most by a factor

of two. That is, if the subtrees of node have respective sizes a and b (measured by the

number of nodes in each subtree), then b=2  a  2b and, equivalently, a=2  b  2a.

This may require using a helper method. Your method can assume that the values

returned by method getSubtreeSize are correct.

Fall 2014, Assignment 4 page 3
