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Department of Computing and Information Systems

COMP10002 Foundations of Algorithms

Semester 2, 2014

Assignment 2

Learning Outcomes

In this project you will demonstrate your understanding of dynamic memory and linked data structures.

You will also extend your skills in terms of program design, testing, and debugging.

Trees, Trees, Trees

The Binary Search Tree (BST) is a linked data structure that can be used to implement a dictionary data

structure. In this project you will write an “interpreter” that manipulates items in a BST, supporting a

small number of operations such as inserting and printing.

To get started, copy and study the program ass2-skel.c linked from the assignment FAQ page at

http://people.eng.unimelb.edu.au/ammoffat/teaching/10002/ass2/. The FAQ page is also

linked from the LMS. The skeleton program compiles cleanly, and provides the framework necessary for

a simple “language” for manipulating binary search trees.

Commands in this language are all one letter long, and have either zero or one string arguments

each. A stub function is provided for each type of command that is to be implemented; and the main

program and auxiliary functions are all complete and should not require any modification. Each stage of

the project requires that you implement one or more of the following commands:

• “i”, insert an item;

• “p”, generate a simple printout of the tree that has been built;

• “t”, tabulate some statistics about the tree that has been formed;

• “r”, rotate an item one level closer to the root;

• “s”, generate a snazzy printout of the tree that has been built; and

• “f”, free all of the space currently allocated to the tree, and restart from an empty tree.

The program can either take its input from stdin or from a file named on the command line. In the latter

case, the commands are echoed as they are read, to provide understandable output. The interpreter loop

ends, and the program exits, when end of file is encountered.

Stage 1 – Inserting and Printing (9/15 marks)

Complete the functions do insert() and do print s().

Insertion should follow the usual binary tree ordering, and youmay simply call strcmp() to establish

ordering. If a string is already present in the tree, and another insert command for that string is issued,

the tree should be left unchanged. That is, the tree should not contain duplicate strings. Note that there is

no use of polymorphism in this project, and you do not need to make use of function pointers or void*

pointers. That is, your code will be more like listops.c than treeops.c; and should all be in one file.

The function do print s() draws a simple picture of the tree as it stands at that point in time,

without changing the tree at all. The root of the tree should be against the left margin. The strings should

be reverse alphabetic down the page, with each node of the tree indented five more characters than its

1parent. Here is one possible sequence of inputs and outputs (turn the page 90 degrees clockwise to see

the tree):

> i mary

> i had


> i little

> i lamb








Stage 2 – Tree Size (11/15 marks)

Now add in the body of the do tabulate() function. It prints a small table reporting the number of

items in the tree, and the average and maximum depth in the tree of those items. The root of the tree is

at depth 1. Continuing on from the previous example, a “t” command would report:


size : 5

avg depth: 2.60

max depth: 4


Stage 3 – Edge Rotations (13/15 marks)

Ok, now for something different. The diagram on the next page shows what is meant by an edge rotation

in a BST: starting with the tree on the left, a rotation at the node whose key is the string “d” results in the

tree on the right; conversely, starting with the tree on the right, an edge rotation at the node whose key

is “b” results in the tree on the left. Note how one of the subtrees is reassigned in a manner that ensures

that the post-rotation tree is still a binary search tree. A rotation alters the structure of a tree, but not

its contents. For example, if subtree E is larger than subtree A, the tree on the right will have a smaller

average node depth, and thus better average searching and insertion characteristics.

Write the body of the function do rotate() that identifies the location of its argument in the tree,

and then rotates the tree at that position. If the argument string is at the root of the tree, or if the

argument string does not appear anywhere in the tree, then the original tree should be returned unchanged.

Warning: there are a lot of pointers to be re-assigned, and multiple cases to be considered. Draw pictures

on paper first, before you try and write the code. Continuing the same example, we would have:



b d




rotate at

rotate at



Edge rotation in a Binary Search Tree. The lower node is “rotated” in to the position

previously occupied by its parent, then subtrees are rearranged and all pointers

updated so that the tree is still in alphabetic order.

> r had








size : 5

avg depth: 2.40

max depth: 4


Stage 4 – Resetting the Tree (14/15 marks)

The “f” command frees up all space that has been allocated to the tree and its strings by making calls to

free(), and resets the tree back to an empty initial state:



size : 0


The tree should be freed up from the leaves back toward the root, so that you don’t end up with a memory

leak caused by unreachable data.

Stage 5 – Snazzy Printing (15/15 marks)

For one last mark, add the details of the second “snazzy” print command. For the same tree as before,

(after rotating “had”), the output would be




| | +--

| +--little

| | +--

| +--lamb

| +--


| +--




There are more examples linked from the FAQ page.

Purely for Fun (and not for submission)

Implement a “d” command that deletes the indicated string from the tree. If the string is a leaf, deletion is

easy. If it is an internal node, locate the alphabetically next node and swap it in to the position occupied

by the string being deleted.

The boring stuff...

This project is worth 15% of your final mark. A rubric explaining the expectations that you will be

marked will be provided shortly via the LMS.

You need to submit your program for assessment; detailed instructions on how to do that will be

posted on the LMS once submissions are opened. Submission will not be done via the LMS; instead you

will need to log in to a Unix server and submit your files to a software system known as submit. You

can (and should) use submit both early and often – to get used to the way it works, and also to check

that your program compiles correctly on our test system, which has some different characteristics to the

lab machines. Only the last submission that you make before the deadline will be marked.

You may discuss your work during your workshop, and with others in the class, but what gets typed

into your program must be individual work, not copied from anyone else. So, do not give hard copy

or soft copy of your work to anyone; do not “lend” your “Uni backup” memory stick to others for any

reason at all; and do not ask others to give you their programs “just so that I can take a look and get

some ideas, I won’t copy, honest”. The best way to help your friends in this regard is to say a very

firm “no” when they ask for a copy of, or to see, your program, pointing out that your “no”, and their

acceptance of that decision, is the only thing that will preserve your friendship. A sophisticated program

that undertakes deep structural analysis of C code identifying regions of similarity will be run over all

submissions in “compare every pair” mode. Students whose programs are so identified will be referred

to the Student Center. See https://academichonesty.unimelb.edu.au for more information.

Deadline: Programs not submitted by 10:00am on Monday 20 October will lose penalty marks at

the rate of two marks per day or part day late. Students seeking extensions for medical or other “outside

my control” reasons should email Alistair, ammoffat@unimelb.edu.au as soon as possible after those

circumstances arise.

Marks and a sample solution will be available on the LMS by Monday 3 November.

And remember, algorithms are fun!

