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CSE 17

In this assignment, we will explore recursion while developing a simple data structure to 

represent the mathematical concept of a set. You should not use java.util.Set nor any of its 

descendants when writing this program. The UML for your class is given below. You may create 

any additional private methods that you see necessary.  


RecursiveSet  This class represents a collection of unique elements. Some 

of its operations are implemented using recursion. This 

class should implement the Cloneable interface. 

-members: ArrayList  The elements of the set. Any kind of object can be stored. 

By definition, there can be no duplicates in this list. 

+RecursiveSet()  The constructor. Should initialize the object. 

+add(e:Object):void  Add an object e to the set. If e is already in the set (as 

determined by its equals method), the operation is ignored. 

+hasElement(e:Object):boolean  Returns true if e is in the set, otherwise returns false. 

+get(i: int):Object  Returns the element at index i in the set. 

+size():int  Returns the number of elements in the set.  

+toString(): String  Returns a string of the form { e1, e2, ... , en} where each ei is 

the toString of one element of the set. 

+clone(): Object  Makes a copy of the set and returns it. It is important that 

this copy includes a clone of members. Otherwise, changes 

to the clone may change the original. Hint: The preferred 

way to implement clone is to call the clone method of the 

superclass to create a copy of the object, and then set all 

mutable instance variables of this object by calling clone 

methods on their objects. You will have to declare or catch 

the CloneNotSupportedException. 



Uses recursion to calculate the intersection of this set with 

set2. It should not modify either set, and should not 

excessively create new sets. You should develop a recursive 

helper method to solve this problem. 



Uses recursion to calculate the union of this set with set2. It 

should not modify either set, and should not excessively 

create new sets. You should develop a recursive helper 

method to solve this problem. 

+equals(o: Object): boolean  Returns true if o is equivalent to the current set. Remember, 

two sets are equal if they have exactly the same elements. 

Order, however, is inconsequential. e.g., {a,b} = {b,a}. CSE 17, Fall 2014 


Note, it is essential that the names and types of all data fields and the names, return types and 

parameter lists of all methods appear exactly as described. Otherwise, you will lose points on the 

assignment. Although we will test your class with various combinations of method invocations, 

as a basic test of your program, you must provide a main method that does the following: 

•  Create two sets A={“a”,”b”,”c”} and  B={“c”,”d”,”b”}, where “a”,”b”,”c”, and “d” are 

Strings. Print out the sets. 

•  Test if “b”∈A and if “d”∈A and print the results. Recall, ∈ is the set membership 


•  Let C = A ∩ B and D = B ∪ A and print the sets. Recall, ∩ stands for intersection, which 

means the set of elements in common between the two sets, and ∪ stands for union which 

means the set of elements that are in at least one of the two sets. 

•  Show that A and B are unchanged by these operations. 

•  Create a set E = {“c”, “b”} and print it. 

•  Test if E=C, E=A, or D=A and print the results of all three tests. 

•  Create two sets N1={1,3,5,7} and N2={2,4,8}. Here each number should be an Integer. 

•  Print out N1 ∩ N2 and N1 ∪ N2. 

•  Create a set MA that consists of the sets A and E from above: i.e., it is a set of sets: 

{{“a”,”b”,”c”}, {“c”, “b”}}. Print it. 

•  Create a set MB that consists of the sets B, C and D from above: i.e., {{{“c”,”d”,”b”}, 

{“b”, “c”}, {“c”, “d”, “b”, “a”}}. Print it. 

•  Finally, Print out MA ∪ MB and MA ∩ MB. 

The output should look something like the following, although the exact ordering of the elements 

in the sets will not matter. 

> java RecursiveSet 

A = {a, b, c} 

B = {c, d, b} 

b is in A? true 

d is in A? false 

C = A intersect B = {b, c} 

D = B union A = {c, d, b, a} 

A = {a, b, c} 

B = {c, d, b} 

E = {c, b} 

E = C? true 

E = A? false 

D = A? false 


N1 = {1, 3, 5, 7} 

N2 = {2, 4, 8} 

N1 intersect N2 = {} 

N1 union N2 = {1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 4, 2} 


MA = {{a, b, c}, {c, b}} 

MB = {{c, d, b}, {b, c}, {c, d, b, a}} 

MA union MB = {{a, b, c}, {c, b}, {c, d, b, a}, {c, d, b}} 

MA intersect MB = {{b, c}} 

> CSE 17, Fall 2014 


At a minimum provide a Javadoc comment explaining what each method does, and another one 

that summarizes the class. Include additional comments for lines that are especially complicated. 

At the top of the program include a comment with the following form: 


CSE 17 

Your name 

Your user id 

[with assistance from tutor name (tutor e-mail address)] if tutor used 

Homework #5     DEADLINE: November 4, 2014 

Program: Recursive Sets 


Once the program functions properly, use SSH to connect to your account on 

sunlab.cse.lehigh.edu. The name of your account is the same as your network server id. Create a 

subdirectory of cse017.144 called Hw5, and transfer the file RecursiveSet.java to this 

subdirectory (~/cse017.144/Hw5/ where ~ represents your home directory). Be very careful to 

ensure that you have spelled the directories correctly and used the correct case for all letters in 

directory names. At the time of the deadline, an email will be sent to you either confirming that 

your homework has been collected or stating that it was not collected.  


