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CSE 17

Not so long ago, text messages could only be sent using the numeric key pad of the cell phone. Even 

today, less expensive phones rely on this means for texting. In this assignment, we will look at the 

problem of decoding text messages using the T9 system. Unlike the multi-tap system, T9 requires only a 

single key press for each letter, and then uses a dictionary of words and their frequencies to choose the 

most likely word given a sequence of key presses. The keypad is mapped to letters as shown below: 


Thus, we would press “2” once if we want “A”, “B” or “C”. Of course, this means that some words would 

have identical sequences of key presses. For example, “pay”, “raw” and “say” all map to the sequence 

“7”,”2”, “9”. T9 assumes you want the most frequently used word, and then typically provides an option 

to cycle through alternative words in order of decreasing frequency. If the word “say” was the most 

frequently used word, then this would be the first option. We will represent a user’s entry as a string 

consisting of the key presses. For clarity, the space between words will simply be represented by spaces. 

In order to solve this program you will need to process a word dictionary text file that I will provide. This 

file has the 5000 most frequently-used words in the English language, sorted by descending frequency. 

There is one word per line, with multiple fields separated by whitespace. The format is: 

rank  word  part-of-speech-code  frequency  dispersion 

For our purposes, you will only need to be concerned with the word and the frequency fields. The latter is 

an integer representing the number of occurrences in a large collection of English documents, and will be 

less than 100 million.  

To solve this problem, you will need to write the four classes below. Each class must be defined in a 

separate file. It is strongly recommended that you write the classes in the order described, and that you 

compile and test each class after you write it. Remember, it is critical that the classes and methods have 

the exact signatures (visibility, names, number and type of parameters, etc.) as described below. However, 

you may create additional fields and methods if you find that helpful. When your program is compiled, 

there should not be any warnings that can be eliminated by instantiating the generic class with a concrete 

type. However, there may be some warnings that are unavoidable.   CSE 17, Fall 2014 



Word  A simple class representing an entry in our word dictionary. 

Implements the Comparable<Word> interface. 

-word: String  The word. 

-freq: int  The word’s frequency. 

+Word(word:String, freq:int)  The constructor. Sets word and freq.  

+getWord(): String  Returns the word. 

+getFreq(): int  Returns the frequency of the word.  

+getKeySequence():String  Returns the sequence of numbers that would be used to enter the 

word as a text message in T9. Note, this is returned as a string. 

Thus, for the word “pay,” the string “729” would be returned. 

+toString():String  Returns a string of the form: word (code = key-sequence, freq = 

freq) where word and freq are the fields of the Word, and key-

sequence is the corresponding key sequence of the word. 

+compareTo(w:Word):int  Implements the standard semantics of compareTo. The current 

word is less than w if its key sequence comes before w or if they 

have the same key sequence and its frequency is higher than w’s. 

The word is greater than w if its key sequence comes after w or if 

they have the same key sequence and its frequency is less than 

w’s. Otherwise, the two words are equal. 

+encode(c:char):char  Given a character c, returns the character for the corresponding 

numeric key press. For example, if c=’A’ or c=’B’ or c=’C’ then 

returns the character ‘2’. 


SelectionSort  This class is used to sort an ArrayList using Selection Sort. 

  There are no fields. 

+sort<E extends Comparable<E>> 


This is a generic method that sorts list using the Selection Sort 

algorithm. Your implementation should be written to work with 

parameterized ArrayLists, as opposed to converting the ArrayList 

to an array and reusing the book’s code as-is. The sort should 

work for any Comparable E. 


TextDecoder  This is the main class of the application. 

  There are no fields. 

+main(args:String[]):void  The entry point to the application. Loads a FreqDictionary from 

the file wordFreq.txt (this file is available on Course Site). Then 

prompts the user to enter a line of numeric key presses, with each 

“word” separated by spaces. It then translates these numbers into a 

text message where each word is predicted to be the most frequent 

word that matches the key sequence. Regardless of user input, the 

program not crash, and words that can’t be translated should be 

displayed as a sequence of question marks. The program should 

also handle the FileNotFoundException robustly. 

 CSE 17, Fall 2014 



FreqDictionary  A dictionary of words and their frequencies. The dictionary is 

organized to support efficient translation of key sequences to 


+MAX_LENGTH: int  A constant for the length of the longest word that will appear in 

the dictionary. It should be set to 10. 

-wordLists:ArrayList<Word>[]  An array of lists of words. Each element of the array is an 

ArrayList that only has words of the same length (from 1 to 

MAX_LENGTH, depending on the list). These words will be 

sorted first by their key press sequence and then by descending 


+FreqDictionary()  The constructor. Should initialize the ArrayLists in wordLists. 



Reads from a text file formatted as described above and adds the 

words into the appropriate element of wordLists depending on 

lengths. Any words that are too long will be skipped. After all lists 

are created, uses selection sort to sort them first by their key press 

sequence (ascending) and then by descending frequency.  It should 

throw the FileNotFoundException if unable to open the file. 


k:int): Word[] 

For the given sequence of presses keySeq, returns up to k Words 

that best match the sequence, in order of descending frequency. 

This method should use a binary search to locate a corresponding 

word in the appropriate element (i.e., ArrayList) of wordLists. It 

will then need to locate the most frequent words with that 

sequence, and then find the next k-1 most frequent words. The 

length of the returned array should be the same as the number of 

matching elements, which may be less than k. 



Returns the most frequent word that matches the presses keySeq. 

Make use of existing methods as much as possible, and avoid 

writing redundant code. If there is no matching word, then returns 

a sequence of question marks of the same length as keySeq. 

In order to write this program correctly, you need to understand how the wordLists field is 

organized. Consider the following diagram: 




ear(code=327, freq=29597) 

far(code=327, freq=16006) 

eat(code=328, freq=73505) 

fat(code=328, freq=24844) 

fat(code=328, freq=14826) 

day(code=329, freq=432773) 



club(code=2582, freq=30800) 

blue(code=2583, freq=47622) 

clue(code=2583, freq=8732) 

blue(code=2583, freq=7671) 

coal(code=2625, freq=8928) 

boat(code=2628, freq=32079) 


0  1  2  3  4 

... CSE 17, Fall 2014 



Note, that each element of wordLists is a list of words (in fact, each is an ArrayList). The first 

element (index 0) would have a list of words of length 1 (e.g., “I” and “a”). For each word in the 

dictionary, we know its string, its key sequence (referred to as code above) and its frequency. 

Note, that the lists are neither sorted alphabetically nor by frequency. Instead, they are sorted 

first by code, and then by descending frequency. This organization makes it easy to find the best 

matching word for a given numeric sequence. First, use the length of the sequence to determine 

which list to look into. Then use binary search to find a word whose code matches the sequence. 

Then examine its neighbors to find the most frequent matching word and other matching words. 

Because, we have sorted first by key presses then by descending frequency, the earliest match to 

a given key press sequence will be the most frequent word. Note, because our dictionary file has 

separate entries for different parts-of-speech (e.g., noun vs. verb) of the same word, there may be 

duplicates in your lists, such as “fat” or “blue” above. This is okay. 

An example interaction is given below (user input is given in bold): 

> run TextDecoder 

Enter a sequence of key presses (separate words by spaces):  

7625 263 7655 

Your text message is: 

rock and roll 

Note, due to other words with the same key sequences, alternative phrases would be, “sock and 

roll”, “soak and poll”, “rock and poll”, etc. However, each of these would be less likely because 

the words are not as common. You are only expected to return the phrase with the most common 

word for each set of key presses. You should identify each word in a context independent 

manner: that is, do not use other words in the phrase to determine the likelihood of possible 

interpretation of the key presses, only use the frequency information from the dictionary. You do 

not need to recognize punctuation. Note, although your main does not demonstrate finding the 

top K matching words for a given sequence (it only needs to find the top word), we will test and 

grade this feature with our own programs. Therefore make sure that it works correctly. 

At a minimum provide a Javadoc comment explaining what each method does, and another one 

that summarizes each class. Include additional comments for lines that are especially 

complicated. Also, at the top of each class include a comment with the following form, although 

the program description only needs to appear in TextDecoder.java: 


CSE 17 

Your name 

Your user id 

[with assistance from tutor name (tutor e-mail address)] if tutor used 

Program #4      DEADLINE: November 13, 2014 

Program: T9 Text Messaging 


Once the program compiles, runs, and has been tested to your satisfaction, use SSH to connect to 

your account on sunlab.cse.lehigh.edu. Create a subdirectory of cse017.144 called P4, and 

transfer all of your .java files to this subdirectory. Be very careful to ensure that you have 

spelled the directories correctly and used the correct case for all letters in directory and file 

names. At the time of the deadline, an email will be sent to you either confirming that your files 

have been collected or stating that the files have not been collected.  
