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Object-Oriented Applications  

The Airline Reservation Application 

For this assignment, you will individually develop an Airline Reservation Application in Java enabling 

airlines to view the seating map of a flight and to make seat reservations  in first or economy class, 

based on their reservation policies. For a given flight, the Airline Reservation Application retrieves its 

seating map partitioned into first and economy classes as depicted in the left hand side of Figure 1.  

A seat request marks a seat as reserved. For example, the first class seat 3E is reserved and shown in 

the left hand side of Figure 1 as a solid circle. This seat is an aisle type of seat, since it is next to an 

aisle. Similarly, window type seats are next to the aircraft’s windows (such as 5A), and all other seats 

are middle type seats (such as 9D).  




Figure 1: Seat map stored as a 2D array of Seat objects 405704 Programming 2/735320 Object-Oriented Applications  

Assignment 2 – The Airline Reservation Application 


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Airline Reservation Policies 

Different  airlines  have  different  reservation  policies  if  the  requested  seating  is  unavailable  on  a 

flight. Consider the policies of the following two airlines: 


1.  Seating Reservations in First Class 

•  Find and reserve a seat in first class that matches the requested seat type 

•  If no such first class seat with the matching type exists, then find and reserve any seat in 

first class 

•  If there are no seats available in first class then find and reserve a middle or window seat 

in economy class, also reserving one of the neighboring seats (for extra passenger room) 

•  If there are no seats matching any of these criteria then a reservation cannot be made 

2.  Seating Reservations in Economy Class 

•  Find and reserve a seat in economy class that matches the requested seat type 

•  If no such economy class seat with the matching type exists, then find and reserve any 

seat in economy class 

•  If there are no seats matching any of these criteria then a reservation cannot be made 


1.  Seating Reservations in First Class 

•  Find and reserve a seat in first class that matches the requested seat type 

•  If no such first class seat with the matching type exists, then find and reserve any seat in 

first class 

•  If there are no seats available in first class then find and reserve a middle seat in 

economy class, also reserving both the left and right neighboring seats (for extra 

passenger room) 

•  If there are no seats matching any of these criteria then a reservation cannot be made 

2.  Seating Reservations in Economy Class 

•  Find and reserve a seat in economy class that matches the requested seat type 

•  If no such economy class seat with the matching type exists, then find and reserve any 

seat in economy class 

•  If there are no seats matching any of these criteria then a reservation cannot be made 






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Assignment 2 – The Airline Reservation Application 


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Marking Scheme 




Grade A 


Grade Range: 

100 ≥ x ≥ 80% 

Grade B 


Grade Range: 

80 > x ≥ 65% 

Grade C 


Grade Range: 

65 > x ≥ 50% 

Grade D 


Grade Range: 

50 > x ≥ 0% 

Functionality of 

seat map 



OOP paradigm consistently 

used for implementation of all 

seat map functionality. 

Inconsistent use of OOP 

paradigm but correct 

implementation of seat 

map functionality 

Incorrect seat map 

functionality and 

poor use of OOP 


Absent seat map 

functionality or 

code does not compile 

Functionality of 

airline classes 


OOP paradigm consistently 

used for implementation of all 

airline functionality. 

Inconsistent use of OOP 

paradigm but correct 

implementation of 

airline functionality 

Some basic 

functionality of 

airline classes/poor 

usage of abstract 

and concrete classes 

Absent functionality of 

airline classes or code 

does not compile. 











The object-oriented program is 

unique, purposeful and 

provides an elegant 

implementation of the Airline 

Reservation Application. 


Program is interactive. 

The object-oriented 

program is unique, 

purposeful. Reasonable 

implementation of the 

Airline Reservation 


Program is interactive. 

The object-oriented 

program features an 


demonstration of 

the Airline 




Program is not 


Absent functionality of 

Airline Reservation 

Application or 

code does not run 

after compiling 


Code Quality: 








Whitespace is comprehensively 

consistent. All naming is 

sensible and meaningful. Code 

reuse is present. Code is 

modular. Code is well 



Whitespace is 


consistent. Majority of  

naming is sensible. Code 

is modular. Code is 


Whitespace is 


consistent. Code has 

some modularity. 

Code has some 


Whitespace is 

inconsistent and 

hence code is difficult 

to read. 








Entire codebase has 

comprehensive Javadoc 

commenting. Algorithms are 

well commented. 




Majority of the codebase 

features Javadoc 

commenting. Majority of 

algorithms are 




Some Javadoc 

comments present. 

Some algorithms are 




No Javadoc comments 




You will develop a number of classes in Java that implement the Airline Reservation Application. For 

full marks, your classes must adhere to correct OOP design principles. 


Design a class to store information relating to a Flight. For example, start and destination cities, 

departure time, flight number and a SeatMap object that stores the seat map (see below). Consider 

the data you will need to store to implement the functionality of the Airline Reservation Application. 

Storing Seat Maps and Reservations 

In this section you will develop classes to store seat reservations.  

Design a Seat class which has data to store whether or not a seat is reserved or is in first class. The 

seat has data that stores the type of the seat: AISLE, MIDDLE, WINDOW (Hint: consider using an 

enumerated type). The Seat stores a SeatPosition object which contains the row and column of a 

seat in the seat map: e.g. 1A, 6C, 2G, forming a seat map position. Write a toString method which 405704 Programming 2/735320 Object-Oriented Applications  

Assignment 2 – The Airline Reservation Application 


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returns a Seat representation according to the right hand side of Figure 1. Write another method 

that outputs a longer text description of the Seat. For example: Economy class MIDDLE seat 

at: 9D is not reserved. 

Develop an abstract SeatMap class with an abstract method void initialiseSeatMap(). The class 

stores a two-dimensional array of Seat objects according to the right hand side of Figure 1, to be 

initialized by concrete classes (see below). SeatMap contains instance variables that store the 

number of rows and columns that comprise the matrix and maintains the number of rows situated in 

first class.  

All instance variables are private and the SeatMap class does not allow direct access to the  

2-dimensional array of seats.  

Instead, it has the following functionality to query the seat map: 

1.  Provide some accessor methods that return the last row (e.g. 10) and last column (e.g. the 

character ‘G’) in the seat mapping. 


2.  Seat getSeat(int, char) returns the seat in the specified seat map position (Refer to Figure 1). 


3.  getLeft (Seat)/getRight(Seat), returns a seat to the left or right of the input Seat. (Hint: use 

SeatPosition to find the seat in the 2D array). If the seat does not exist, return null.  


4.  Seat queryAvailableEconomySeat(SeatType) returns a seat in economy that has the 

matching SeatType and is not already reserved. If all these types of seats are reserved, 

return any seat in economy. If all seats are reserved, return null. 


5.  Seat queryAvailableFirstClassSeat(SeatType) is the same, but only searches first class. 


6.  toString returns a string containing a text representation of the SeatMap similar to the right 

hand side of Figure 1. 



Develop at least two classes that extend SeatMap: 


BoeingSeatMap has a default constructor initialising the number of rows to 10, the number 

of columns to 7 and the number of first class rows to 4. The constructor initialises the seats 

array accordingly. The constructor calls the initialiseSeatMap method. Write an algorithm in 

initialiseSeatMap to populate the seats array according to Figure 2. 


AirBusSeatMap is a concrete class extending the SeatMap class Has a default constructor 

initialising the number of rows to 12, the number of columns to 9 and the number of first 

class rows to 6. The constructor initialises the seats array accordingly. The constructor calls 

the initialiseSeatMap method. Write an algorithm in initialiseSeatMap to populate the 

seats array according to Figure 2. 

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Assignment 2 – The Airline Reservation Application 


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Note: initialiseSeatMap instantiates each Seat object stored in the seats array with the appropriate 

SeatPosition object by translating the array indices to a SeatPosition.  




Figure 2: SeatMap for Boeing and AirBus 

Making Airline Reservations 


Airlines query a flight’s seating map to determine the availability of seats. Create an abstract class 

Airline which stores the name of the airline, with useful accessor and mutator methods. Define a 

toString method that prints out a nice representation of the object. This class has two abstract 


•  Seat reserveFirstClass(Flight, SeatType) 

•  Seat reserveEconomy(Flight, SeatType) 

Airline is extended by two concrete classes SimpleJet and RynoAir and each class implements the 

abstract methods according to the airline’s reservation policies.  

Program Interaction 

Develop an application class called AirlineReservationApplication which interacts with the core 

functionality of the Airline Reservation Application. Your program should involve multiple flights to 

select from, different seating configurations and demonstrate both airline reservation policies. You 

may consider writing additional methods to simulate when economy or first class is fully reserved. 405704 Programming 2/735320 Object-Oriented Applications  

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Remember,  it  is  unacceptable  to  hand  in  any  code  which  has  previously  been  submitted  for 

assessment  (for any paper,  including Programming 2), and all work submitted must be unique and 

your own! We use automated methods to detect academic integrity breaches. 

Submission Instructions 

Submit the following documents as an archive .zip file of your documents on AUTOnline before 

the deadline: 

•  Your source code (.java files). 

•  Sample console output demonstrating your program in use (.txt file) 

Zip structure and file naming requirements. Please ensure your submission matches the following: 

    4 lastname-firstname-studentid.zip 

        2 *.java 

        2 studentid-console-sample.txt 


Replace the underlined text with your personal details. 

Late submissions will receive a grade of 0 


An  extension will  only  be  considered with  a  Special  Consideration  Form  approved  by  the  School 

Registrar. These forms are available at the School of Computer and Mathematical Science located in 

the WT Level 1 Foyer.  


You will receive your marked assignment via AUTonline. Please look over your entire assignment to 

make sure that it has been marked correctly. If you have any concerns, you must raise them with the 

TA who marked your assignment. You have one week  to  raise any  concerns  regarding your mark. 

After that time, your mark cannot be changed.  


Do  not  go  to  the  TA  because  you  do  not  like  your mark. Only  go  if  you  feel  something  has  been 

marked incorrectly.  


