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CSC 210 Introduction to Programming with Java

The purpose of this project is to allow you to practice the use of selection and loops 

within your programs.


The resulting programs will be submitted to iLearn before the due date, specified 

above, as a zip file containing only .java files, and an external documentation file 

(preferably a pdf).  This zip file should be named using the following convention: 

p1.firstName.lastName.submissionDate.zip.  For example, my submission file would be 

named p1.john.roberts.2.26.zip.


Complete the following exercises:

Problem 1 - Histogram

Write a program that prompts the user for a number N.  This number will be used to 

prompt the user N times to provide an integer.  The program will then print the 

frequency of the numbers entered as a histogram, displaying each of the numbers 

entered from the minimum to the maximum.  Frequency should be represented by the 

‘*’ character for each appearance of the number.

Sample Run:

How many integers should I collect? 5

  1: 9

  2: 7

  3: 7

  4: 8

  5: 4

  4: *



  7: **

  8: *

  9: *Problem 2 - Stats

Write a program that prompts the user for a number, N.  This number will be used to 

prompt the user N times to provide an integer.  The program will then print the integers 

out in the order they were entered, followed by the integers in reverse order.

Sample Run:

How many integers should I collect? 10

  1: 9

  2: -5

  3: 107

  4: 42

  5: 3

  6: 6

  7: 8577

  8: 0

  9: 2

 10: 1

9 -5 107 42 3 6 8577 0 2 1

1 2 0 8577 6 3 42 107 -5 9

Problem 3 - Tic Tac Toe

Write a program that will allow two users to play tic-tac-toe. The program should ask for 

moves alternately from player One(X) and player Two(O). The program displays the 

game positions as follows:

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

The players enter their moves by entering the position number they wish to mark. After 

each move, the program displays the changed board. A sample board configuration is 

as follows:


4 5 6

O 8 9

Player One’s (X) Turn:  

The program ends when all available spaces have been played.  (See extra credit, 

below.)  Players should not be allowed to over write an existing move.

Sample Run (Extra Credit Case):

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

Player One's (X) Turn: 1

X 2 34 5 6

7 8 9

Player Two's (O) Turn: 1

You entered an invalid move!

Player Two's (O) Turn: 2

X O 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

Player One's (X) Turn: 5

X O 3

4 X 6

7 8 9

Player Two's (O) Turn: 0

You entered an invalid move!

Player Two's (O) Turn: 3


4 X 6

7 8 9

Player One's (X) Turn: 9

Congratulations, Player One!

Extra Credit: If program keeps track of each entry and shows a message when one 

player wins, then you will receive 50% extra credit for problem 2.  A win should cause 

the program to exit (instead of allowing all spaces to be consumed, as specified above.)  

This is rather easy when you approach the problem in discrete steps, breaking down 

each step into a logical collection of instructions to solve only that step...

Project Submission Guidelines

In each class you generate, you are expected to include:

1. The source code (of course)

2. Adequate comments

Your external documentation file is expected to include:

1.  A description of the source code, including any assumptions you made during the 

writing of the code.  As an example, if you have written code that anticipates that user 

input will be within a certain range, you should clearly document that assumption, and 

the logic behind it.  In addition, if you have written code that can handle input errors 

(i.e. can handle user input outside of the range required, whether by responding with 

an error message, or otherwise gracefully failing), you should document that as well.

2. A brief explanation of the flow of logic used to solve the problem.  (Keep in mind that 

this should have been developed before you actually write the code!)

3. A screen capture of the execution of each program.  Screen captures can be done 

differently on different platforms.Grading Policy

You will be graded based on correctness and documentation.  Correctness implies both 

that each of your programs compiles, and that each of your programs executes 

according to the specification.  Documentation should include all of the content specified 

in requirements, above.

Refer to the syllabus for additional grading information, including late submission policy, 

and compilation requirements.

As a reminder, any student found cheating on their project will receive a zero, and be 

reported to the department for possible disciplinary action.
