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In this assignment we will implement a vector computation engine that is able to construct vectors
and perform vector computations in the Java programming language. Your task is to implement the
incomplete functions in the provided scaffold code based on the included examples and documentation.
You are encouraged to ask questions on Ed using the assignments category. As with any assignment,
make sure that your work is your own, and you do not share your code or solutions with other students.
Working on your assignment
You can work on this assignment on your own computer or the lab machines. Students can also take
advantage of the online code editor on Ed. Simply navigate to the assignment page and you are able to
run, edit and submit code from within your browser. We recommend that you use Safari or Chrome.
It is important that you continually back up your assignment files onto your own machine, flash drives,
external hard drives and cloud storage providers. You are encouraged to submit your assignment while
you are in the process of completing it. By submitting you will obtain some feedback of your progress.
Implementation details
Your task is to implement a vector computation engine based on the included scaffold code and
the examples that are shown below. You can assume only valid input will be tested and that any
commands that use vectors will be defined beforehand. All vectors will have the same length defined
by 1 6 length 6 100, 000, 000. Vector elements are indexed from 0 and can contain values up to and
including the maximum value of long. Our test cases will not cause any integer overflows to occur.
Your program must be contained in the Vector.java and VectorEngine.java files and produce
no errors when compiled using javac on the lab machines and Ed. Your program will be run using
java VectorEngine <length> and read from standard input and write to standard output.
The VectorEngine.java file contains the main entry point method to the program, and is
responsible for managing the list of declared vectors, reading from standard input, delegating input
commands to the respective methods declared in the Vector class and then displaying output. This
functionality has been provided in VectorEngine.java and should not need to be modified.
The Vector.java file contains the scaffold code for the Vector class. Method stubs have been
created for the methods that you are expected to implement. Each of these stub methods contains a
comment with some sample input and output to help you understand how these methods should work.
The Vector class contains some instance variables that you can utilise to improve the performance
of your program. Since each vector is immutable we know that the results of each computation will
never change, so there is no need to calculate the same result multiple times. For example, instead
of calculating the sum every time the getSum method is called, you can instead calculate the sum
once and store the result in the sum instance variable then simply return this value in subsequent calls
to getSum. In addition, based on how each vector is constructed, you may be able to deduce some
results based on a mathematical calculation at the time of construction. For example, suppose a vector
was constructed with the uniform command, then we can immediately deduce the mode of the vector.
Running the program
The program requires you to specify the length of all vectors used in the current instance of the vector
computation engine. The length is read by the program as a command line argument. For example, if
you wanted every vector to contain 4 elements then you would run the program like this:
$ java VectorEngine 4
Once the program has started, you are prompted to enter the following commands:
bye – Terminates the program.
help – Displays the syntax of each command.
set – Creates a new vector with the given key.
show – Displays the vector with the given key.
compute – Displays the result of a computation.
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set command
The set command has the following syntax: set <key> = <operation> <args...>
key – A string with no spaces that will be used to identify the vector.
operation – The operation used to generate the vector.
args – One or more optional arguments that can be passed to the operation.
Valid operations are:
random <seed>
Generates a new vector where each element is a random integer between 0 and 100 inclusive
using the seed value. Generated using the java.util.Random random number generator.
uniform <value>
Generates a new vector where each element is set to the given value.
sequence <start> <step>
Generates a new vector where each element is a value of a sequence of integers starting at
start and every next value is incremented by step which can be both positive and negative.
For example, a sequence starting at 2 that has a step 2 would be:
2 4 6 8 10 12 ...
pq <start>
Generates a new vector that consists of a sequence of pq numbers. First number in the vector
should be start when pq or the next pq number that comes after.
prime <start>
Generates a new vector that consists of a sequence of prime numbers. First number in the vector
should be start when prime or the next prime number that comes after.
abundant <start>
Generates a new vector that consists of a sequence of abundant numbers. First number in the
vector should be start when abundant or the next abundant number that comes after.
composite <start>
Generates a new vector that consists of a sequence of composite numbers. First number in the
vector should be start when composite or the next composite number that comes after.
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cloned <key>
Generates a new vector with the same elements of the given vector.
sorted <key>
Generates a new vector with elements of the given vector in ascending order.
shifted <key> <amount>
Generates a new vector with elements of the given vector shifted right n places.
For example:
[1, 2, 3, 4] shifted right by 1 place would be [4, 1, 2, 3].
[1, 2, 3, 4] shifted right by 2 places would be [3, 4, 1, 2].
[1, 2, 3, 4] shifted right by 3 places would be [2, 3, 4, 1].
[1, 2, 3, 4] shifted right by 4 places would be [1, 2, 3, 4].
[1, 2, 3, 4] shifted right by 5 places would be [4, 1, 2, 3].
reversed <key>
Generates a new vector with elements of the given vector in reverse order.
scalar#add <key> <value>
Generates a new vector that is the result of adding the scalar to each element in the vector.
scalar#mul <key> <value>
Generates a new vector that is the result of multiplying the scalar to each element in the vector.
vector#add <key1> <key2>
Generates a new vector that is the result of adding the respective elements of both vectors.
vector#mul <key1> <key2>
Generates a new vector that is the result of multiplying the respective elements of both vectors.
show command
The show command has the following syntax: show <key> <index>
key – The key of the vector to display.
index – Optional index. When specified, display the element at this index.
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compute command
The compute command has the following syntax: compute <operation> <key> <arg>
operation – The operation to perform on the vector.
key – The key of the vector to perform the given operation on.
arg – An optional argument that may be required for the given operation.
Valid operations are:
sum <key>
Display the sum of all vector elements.
mode <key>
Display the most occurring value in the vector, or -1 if the most ocurring number is not unique.
median <key>
Display the upper median which is the value that lies in the middle of the vector when sorted.
When there are an even number of elements in the vector, then display the upper median.
minimum <key>
Display the minimum value in the vector.
maximum <key>
Display the maximum value in the vector.
frequency <key> <value>
Display the number of occurrences of the value in the vector.
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Example 1
$ java VectorEngine 4
> SET a = uniform 4
> SHOW a
4 4 4 4
> SET b = sequence 3 2
> SHOW b
3 5 7 9
> SET c = random 1
> SHOW c
97 5 21 41
> SET d = pq 100
> SHOW d
106 111 115 118
> SET e = prime 100
> SHOW e
101 103 107 109
> SET f = abundant 100
> SHOW f
100 102 104 108
> SET g = composite 100
> SHOW g
100 102 104 105
Example 2
$ java VectorEngine 4
> SET a = uniform 2
> SHOW a
2 2 2 2
> SET b = sequence 1 1
> SHOW b
1 2 3 4
> SET c = scalar#add b 4
> SHOW c
5 6 7 8
> SET d = scalar#mul b 4
> SHOW d
4 8 12 16
> SET e = vector#add a b
> SHOW e
3 4 5 6
> SET f = vector#mul a b
> SHOW f
2 4 6 8
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Example 3
$ java VectorEngine 4
> SET a = sequence 1 1
> SHOW a
1 2 3 4
> SET b = cloned a
> SHOW b
1 2 3 4
> SET c = sorted a
> SHOW c
1 2 3 4
> SET d = shifted a 3
> SHOW d
2 3 4 1
> SET e = reversed a
> SHOW e
4 3 2 1
Example 4
$ java VectorEngine 10
> SET a = random 59
> SHOW a
62 84 32 56 98 97 32 70 10 21
> SHOW a 9
> COMPUTE sum a
> COMPUTE mode a
> COMPUTE median a
> COMPUTE minimum a
> COMPUTE maximum a
> COMPUTE frequency a 32
> COMPUTE frequency a 22
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Writing your own testcases
We have provided you with some test cases but these do not not test all the functionality described in
the assignment. It is important that you thoroughly test your code by writing your own test cases.
